Friday, December 5, 2008

All that needs be said about Mumbai

Done by dicks.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What do you want in a car?

As some of you know I belong to a group called the Customer Advisory Board sponsored by Chrysler's new owners. They are attempting to improve vehicles by actually listenting to what customers want. Our genius group has a very diverse sense of what is important in a vehicle so I thought I would take a poll of my friends. What do you want in a car? Safety? Economy? Lots of chrome and big tail fins? What one thing about a car makes you go drive around just for the enjoyment of doing so, even if there is no place you really need to go?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Al Smith dinner materials

Vote for your favorite in comments.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

An Example

This is what I am talking about. Here is the proof.

So where is the "Lust" now!

So most of the summer it was "Lust" with a mosaic of employee head shots clade to a large pice of tag board set out next to the coffee station. Now the board is down and a new one has replaced it with cheesy head shots of most of the "We is Genius" clan as well as other regulars of the coffee house. Ok, that is fine, but the "Lust" is gone. Are we to old to be lusted over, just a bunch of worn out old men? No we are not! We is Genius and we want cheap coffee choices, good breads and a little wink from the front counter staff just to give our ego the little jump start it needs in the morning. 

Are you with be boys?