Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Eric's up and running

You should find in your email box an invitation to Eric's new blog (protected so only the invited can read it.) Let him know if you can't. I'll tell you how to reach him at breakfast.

1 comment:

Eric (downunder) Tjossem said...

I am here. It took me awhile to figure it out, but all is now right with the world.
As the Aussie's say "howyougoing". It is hard to know how to respond to such a phrase. The best that I can tell is that it translates to how are you doing. So I usually respond by saying fine mate.
It is hard to find a coffee shop down here since they seem to be at every corner, the coffee however is very strong and very good. Burt would love it.
Our visas finally came through yesterday, so we are here legal like now.
I miss my mates from home.